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The term heat tracing refers to the continuous or intermittent application of heat to pipelines or tanks to compensate for ambient heat loss.

Among the main uses of heat tracing;

  • Freeze protection,
  • Viscosity control,
  • Keeping fluids at process temperatures,
  • Preventing gas condensation,
  • thawing etc. prevention of separation of liquid components


  • Freeze protection of piped water,
  • Transfer of molten process chemicals such as phosphoric acid, sulfur, and p-xylene
  • Low-viscosity maintenance of pumped fluids including petroleum products, vegetable oils and syrups
  • Rafinerilerde yakıt gazının yoğunlaşarak istenmeyen yanmaların engellenmesi,
  • Preventing the condensation of moisture in natural gas transported in pipes,
  • Prevention of freezing of control valves and compressor damage,
  • Prevention of condensation for prevent wet hydrogen sulphide from causing high corrosion.

Heat Tracing System Types

Heat tracing falls into two main sub-categories.

Taken from UCH Wiki. ===== NOTLAR =====

en/eng/ht/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 20:10 by