====== Symbols ====== The table below shows the English names of various symbols. | Sembol | English | | ''&'' | Ampersand | | ''''' | Apostrophe | | ''" "'' | Quotation mark | | ''‐'' | Hyphen | | ''–'' | En dash | | ''—'' | Em dash | | '':'' | Colon | | '';'' | Semicolon | | ''.'' | Period | | ''!'' | Exclamation mark | | ''?'' | Question mark | | ''()'' | Parantheses | | ''[]'' | Brakets | | ''{}'' | Curly brakets | | ''*'' | Asterisk | | ''...'' | Ellipsis | | ''‽'' | Interrobang | | ''~'' | Tilde | | ''_'' | Underscore | | ''|'' | Vertical Bar | | ''/'' | Forward Slash | | ''\'' | Backslash | | ''@'' | At Sign | | ''#'' | Hashtag | | ''^'' | Caret | | ''™'' | Trademark | | ''®'' | Registered Trademark | | ''©'' | Copyright | [[tr:en:grammar:symbols|UCH Viki]]'den alınmıştır. ===== EDİTÖR NOTLARI =====