====== Addition ====== {{anchor:addition}} ===== Properties of Addition ===== ==== Commutative properties of addition ==== When adding [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|Integers]], the sum does not change when the places of the added numbers are changed. This property of addition in [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|Integers]] is called the **commutative property**. In other words, for any numbers ''a'' and ''b'', $$ a + b = b + a $$ ==== Associative properties of addition ==== When adding three or more [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|integers]], which pair of numbers is added first has no effect on the result. This property of addition in [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|integers]] is called the associative property. In other words, for any numbers ''a'' and ''b'', $$ (a+b) + c = a + (b+c) $$ ==== Inefficient (unit) element of addition ==== A number that does not change the result of the related operation is called **unit element**. Adding a number [[en:math:algebra:number:zero|zero]] the result is the summed number. Therefore, the inefficient (unit) element of addition is [[en:math:algebra:number:zero|zero]]. $$ 5 + 0 = 5 $$ $$ 0 + (−98) = −98 $$ ==== Inverse element of addition ==== A number whose sum with an [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|integer]] is equal to [[en:math:algebra:number:zero|zero]] is called the inverse of that [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|integer]] with respect to addition. In other words, two numbers whose sum is 0 are inverses of each other with respect to addition. \begin{align} \text{Inverso of } 0\text{ with respect to addition } \to 0 \\ \text{Inverso of } 98\text{ with respect to addition } \to −98 \\ \text{Inverso of } −32\text{ with respect to addition } \to +32 \\ \end{align} ====== Subtraction ====== {{anchor:subtraction}} Subtraction is the opposite of addition. ===== Properties of Subtraction ===== Subtraction does not have the property of commutative. ====== Multiplication ====== {{anchor:multiplication}} ===== Properties of Multiplication ===== ==== Commutative properties of multiplication ==== When the places of the factors are changed in multiplication, the result does not change. This property is called the **Commutative property** of multiplication. In other words, for any numbers ''a'' and ''b'', $$ a \cdot b = b \cdot a $$ ==== Associative properties of multiplication ==== When multiplying by three or more [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|integers]], which pair of numbers is multiplied first has no effect on the result. This property of [[en:math:algebra:number:integers|integers]] multiplication is called the union property. In other words, for any numbers ''a'' and ''b'', $$ (a \cdot b) \cdot c = a \cdot (b \cdot c) $$ ==== Inefficient (unit) element of multiplication ==== When we multiply a number by 1 in multiplication, the result is the multiplied number. Therefore, the ineffective (unit) element of multiplication is 1. $$ 5 \cdot 1 = 5 $$ $$ 1 \cdot (−98) = −98 $$ ==== Absorbing element of multiplication ==== A number that returns itself as a result of an operation with any number is called a **absorbing element (or annihilating element)**. In multiplication, a number [[en:math:algebra:number:zero|zero]] multiplied by [[en:math:algebra:number:zero|zero]] is equal to zero. Therefore, the element of the multiplication operation that absorbs is [[en:math:algebra:number:zero|0]]. ==== The distributive property of multiplication ==== > Multiplication has the property of distributing over addition and subtraction. For example, the operation $ -5 . (100 + 2) $ is solved with the dispersion property. \begin{align} −5 . ( 100 + 2 ) \\ = (−5 . 100) + (−5 . 2) \\ = (−500) + (−10) \\ = −510 \\ \end{align} ====== Division ====== {{anchor:division}} Division is the opposite of multiplication. ===== Properties of Division ===== Division does not have the property of commutative.