====== Système international d'unités (SI) ====== ===== Basic Quantities and Units ===== The seven basic (or primary) quantities and their units in **SI** ^ **Quantity** ^ **Birim** ^ **Sembolik** ^ | **Length** | metre | ''m'' | | **Mass** | kilogram | ''kg'' | | **Time** | saniye | ''s'' | | **Temperature** | kelvin | ''K'' | | **Electric current** | amper | ''A'' | | **Luminous intensity** | candela | ''cd'' | | **Amount of Substance** | mol | ''mol'' | ===== Multipliers ===== ^ **Multiplier** ^ **Prefix** ^ **Symbolic** ^ | $ 10^{30} $ | quetta | ''Q'' | | $ 10^{27} $ | ronna | ''R'' | | $ 10^{24} $ | yotta | ''Y'' | | $ 10^{21} $ | zetta | ''Z'' | | $ 10^{18} $ | exa | ''E'' | | $ 10^{15} $ | peta | ''P'' | | $ 10^{12} $ | tera | ''T'' | | $ 10^{9} $ | giga | ''G'' | | $ 10^{6} $ | mega | ''M'' | | $ 10^{3} $ | kilo | ''k'' | | $ 10^{2} $ | hecto | ''h'' | | $ 10^{1} $ | deka | ''da'' | | $ 10^{-1} $ | deci | ''d'' | | $ 10^{-2} $ | centi | ''c'' | | $ 10^{-3} $ | milli | ''m'' | | $ 10^{-6} $ | micro | ''μ'' | | $ 10^{-9} $ | nano | ''n'' | | $ 10^{-12} $ | pico | ''p'' | | $ 10^{-15} $ | femto | ''f'' | | $ 10^{-18} $ | atto | ''a'' | | $ 10^{-21} $ | zepto | ''z'' | | $ 10^{-24} $ | yocto | ''y'' | | $ 10^{-27} $ | ronto | ''r'' | | $ 10^{-30} $ | quecto | ''q'' | ==== SI Data Size Units ==== ^ Decimal ^ Terim ^ $ 10^n $ ^ Symbol ^ Prefix ^ | '''' | *Quadrillion* | $ 10^{24} $ | ''Y'' | **yotta** | | '''' | *Trilliard* | $ 10^{21} $ | ''Z'' | **zetta** | | '''' | *Trillion* | $ 10^{18} $ | ''E'' | **exa** | | '''' | *Billiard* | $ 10^{15} $ | ''P'' | **peta** | | '''' | *Billion* | $ 10^{12} $ | ''T'' | **tera** | | '''' | *Milliard* | $ 10^{9} $ | ''G'' | **giga** | | ''1.000.000'' | *Million* | $ 10^{6} $ | ''M'' | **mega** | | ''1.000'' | *Thousand* | $ 10^{3} $ | ''k'' | **kilo** | | ''100'' | *Hundred* | $ 10^{2} $ | ''h'' | **hecto** | | ''10'' | *Ten* | $ 10^{1} $ | ''da'' | **deca** | | ''1'' | *One* | $ 10^{0} $ | | | | ''0,1'' | *Tenth* | $ 10^{-1} $ | ''d'' | **deci** | | ''0,01'' | *Hundredth* | $ 10^{-2} $ | ''c'' | **centi** | | ''0,001'' | *Thousandth* | $ 10^{-3} $ | ''m'' | **mili** | | ''0,000.001 '' | *Millionth* | $ 10^{-6} $ | ''μ'' | **micro** | | ''0,000.000.001'' | *Milliardth* | $ 10^{-9} $ | ''n'' | **nano** | | ''0,'' | *Billionth* | $ 10^{-12} $ | ''p'' | **pico** | | ''0,'' | *Billiardth* | $ 10^{-15} $ | ''f'' | **femto** | | ''0, '' | *Trillionth* | $ 10^{-18} $ | ''a'' | **atto** | | ''0, '' | *Trilliardth* | $ 10^{-21} $ | ''z'' | **zepto** | | ''0,'' | *Quadrillionth* | $ 10^{-24} $ | ''y'' | **yocto** | ===== Derived units ===== ^ **Physical Quantity** ^ **Unit** ^ **Symbol** ^ | **Force** | Newton | $ N = kg \space m/s2 $ | | **Work, energy, amount of heat** | Joule | $ J = N \space m $ | | **Power** | Watt | $ W = J/s $ | | **Electric charge** | Coulomb | $ C =A \space s $ | | **Electric potential** | Volt | $ V =W/A $ | | **Electric capacitance** | Farad | $ F =A \space s/V $ | | **Electric resistance** | Ohm | $ Ω = V/A $ | | **Frequency** | Hertz | $ Hz = s^{-1} $ | ===== Constants ===== ^ **Name** ^ **Value** ^ **Description** ^ | **Absolute Zero Temperature** | $ 0 K = −273.15 °C $ | //Absolute zero is the point at which molecules stop (their motion is reduced to very small vibrations).// | | **Speed of Light in Space** | $ c = 2.99792458 × 10^8 \quad m/s $ | //An important physical constant used in many areas of physics.// | | **Gravitational Constant** | $ 6.6742 × 10^{-11} \quad m^3/{kg \space s^2} $ | //It is a physical constant involved in the calculations of the gravitational force.// | | **Electron Radius** | $ r_e = 2.81792 × 10^{-15} \quad m $ | . | | **Molar Gas Constant** | $ R = 8.314472 \quad J * mol^{-1} * K^{-1} $ | . | | **Mass of the neutron** | $ m_n = 1.6749286 × 10^{-27} \quad kg $ | . | | **Mass of the Electron** | $ m_e = 9.1093897 × 10 ^{-31} \quad kg $ | . | | **Elemental Load** | $ 1.602,176,634 x 10^{-19} \quad C $ | //The charge of a proton or the negative of the charge of an electron.// | ==== Speed and Acceleration ==== **Speed** is measured in meters per second ''(m/s)'' or sometimes more appropriately in kilometers per hour ''(km/h)''. $$ 1 \space m/s = 3,6 \space km/h $$ **Acceleration** (Acceleration or Deceleration) is the rate of change of velocity. It is measured in $ m/s^2 $. If the speed increases from ''u m/s'' to ''v m/s'' during ''t'' seconds, the average acceleration ''a'' is expressed as $$ a = (v-u)/t \qquad m/s^2 $$ === Acceleration due to gravity === In a vacuum, all free-falling objects, regardless of their size, shape or mass, have the same acceleration at a given location. This acceleration, given the symbol ''g'' because it is due to the force of gravity, is about $9.81 m/s^2 at sea level near London, $9.78 m/s^2 at the equator and $9.83 m/s^2 at the poles. > The acceleration of bodies falling into the atmosphere depends on wind resistance. For example, depending on the conditions, the human body reaches a top speed of about ''200 km/h'' when wind resistance is equal to the force of gravity and no further acceleration occurs. ==== Force ==== A **force** is a measurable effect that tends to cause the motion of a body. The unit of force is the Newton, 1 Newton is the value of a force that, when applied to a kilogram, gives it an acceleration of $ 1 \space m/s^2 $. $$ F = m \space a $$ ==== Mass and Weight ==== An object containing a certain amount of matter is called **mass**. Its unit is kilogram. The force due to gravity acting on this mass is called **weight**. Objects with mass have inertia, that is, they resist acceleration or deceleration and remain at rest or continue to move in a straight line at a uniform speed unless acted upon by an external force. $$ W = m \space g $$ ==== Moment Concept ==== When a body is at rest or in equilibrium, the sum of the clockwise rotational moments about any real or imaginary axis is equal to the sum of the counterclockwise moments about the same axis. When this is not the case, the unbalanced moment causes the body to rotate about the chosen axis. Not to be confused with momentum. ==== Center of Gravity ==== The center of gravity (CG) of a body can be regarded as the point at which, if all the weight of the body were concentrated, it would produce a moment of force equal to the sum of the moments of force of each part around any axis of the body about the same axis. In the case of the force of inertia, the center of gravity becomes the center of mass. ===== Sources ===== * https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/index.html Taken from [[en:eng:common:si|UCH Wiki]] ===== NOTLAR ===== Kaynaklar kısmı için tema düzenlemesi yapıldığından düzeltilecek.